Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Spoiler Warning!

Have you ever been looking forward to watching a great movie, or reading a book, only to have some jerk tell you the ending? I have, lots of times. Most recently, I was looking on the internet for a free PDF of the book, The Last of the Crazy People. I thought I had found one, so I clicked on it only to find that it was not the book at all, but a response to certain themes in the author's books. I didn't realize this right away, so I scrolled down and down until I got to chapter one of the book. The first line gave away the ending. The very first line. And it's not just a regular ending, this one is supposed to be shocking to the reader.
Being that this is a school project, I am going to read the book anyways, but holy crap does this make me angry. The main plot point of the story, which is supposed to be hidden until the end, was spoiled for me before I even know who the characters are. Blast! I will have to slog on through the book, hopefully as fast as I can just to get it over with. Maybe the revealing of the ending at the start of the novel will serve me well as I make an inquiry into how is it that perfectly functional families can become dysfunctional, and why people are driven to commit insane acts of violence.


  1. Wow man, that sucks so bad! I know what it's like reading a book or watching a movie when you already know the ending, and it's painful!

  2. Oh geez, that's too bad. However, sometimes I find myself reading a book more than once because the writing's good and I discover things in the writing I didn't notice before. It's not always about the plot. I mean, we knew Macbeth was going to die right? The story though is still powerful.
    I'm really looking forward to seeing what you're going to do with the final Pecha Kucha. Ms Kinakin told me the one you did for her blew her away. This time, I'm going to modify and ask everyone to VIDEO RECORD the whole Pecha Kucha. This will enable me to share it with the world. I think your group had strong elements in your last presentation but I think you will probably step up and improve for the next one. I think by documenting your group working on your Inquiry and taking action on some problems will be very engaging and hopefully you can do something positive for the world. Looking forward to it!
