Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Oh come on! What's madness?!

It's been a while now. I'm almost half way through the book. Still no idea of what a crazy person is like, what makes him crazy, or why his parents aren't crazy, or what about me makes me think this man is crazy. No answers. I plan on reading the rest of the book by the end of the week, hopefully I'll have everything done by 7:00pm on Friday. Even though the book hasn't really addressed the inquiry yet, that the book is still giving me an idea as to the answer. What ever the answer is I can tell it's going to be subtle, and be something like "deciding who's crazy isn't helpful, okay?" I don't look forward to it. Maybe a little.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting... How are you liking the book aside from the fact that it is making you frustrated? Maybe, you shouldn't try to hard to understand it. Einstein said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, while expecting a different result each time. Careful that doesn't become too true. :)
