Friday, 28 September 2012

Physedencaltary: It doesn't matter, sir!

There is not an able bodied person in the world who would choose to live their life free from all physical activity. People tend to be somewhere in the middle, and almost never at the ends, of the physical activity spectrum. If I were to compare myself to elite athletes, I would obviously find myself on the sedentary side of things. But compared to most North Americans, my 15 minutes of bike riding to school, up and down steep hills, would seem like a lot of work. Would I rather take a form of automatic transit? Sure, sometimes, but overall I pride myself on working hard to get to school every morning. Would I rather walk up the stairs or stand idly on the escalator? As it turns out, I like to walk up the escalator, if only to be faster. So where does that leave me?
 In my age group, I've notice a growing trend of "working out". Some people are quite modest and do it to take care of themselves, but they are few and far between. I find most guys just want to look good. For them it's not about getting exercise, it's about being attractive. So I don't think I'll be in the gym anytime soon, if only to distance my character from these sillies. The same thing happens with women, though I feel like there is more pressure on girls to stay underweight, so I don't blame them for giving in. Plus, girls don't act all cocky like muscle men do.
As simple as it sounds, I prefer doing what I like to do: science, mostly, and having fun in other ways (I wont turn this into a list). I'm not a great athlete, so playing sports often ends in unhappiness, which is never fun. I have no ideas on how to involve science into physical activity, so I don't. I play video games, but I also play sudoku, which I consider better for me than doing bench presses. I honestly couldn't care less about categorization of activities. My priorities aren't to be physical or to be sedentary, I have other interests and I don't think they fall into either category. If they did, it wouldn't matter to me.

1 comment:

  1. lol! It's interesting that you've noticed a trend in your age group of working out. Um. who is that? most of the posts I've read thus far indicate your age group is very sedentary. I agree I've noticed working out sometimes is primarily motivated by a desire to look good for potential mates...but there's also sometimes a bit of vanity involved and if not, then a desire for health. I'll get back to you on that...about science and sports. I would think an individual sport would suit you: a martial art like karate or something where you can progress at your own rate and reap the health benefits. For some reason, I see martial arts as a suitable sport for you but of course, what do I know?
