Monday, 21 November 2011

A letter to the residants of my town

To the people of my town,

For the past seventy-one years I have been a habitant of this town and a resident of Strangeworth House. I am, beyond all possible doubt, the most respected and appreciated individual in the community. My family, the most revered in the town, has been here for generations. In fact, it was my grandmother who is responsible for this town in the first place. Seeing that all of this is a well established fact, I find it excruciatingly painful to see my beloved town sucked into the vileness that is, quite simply, evil.

The Strangeworths are a family of good people, I think it obvious that I am proof of that. In a town filled with a possibility, or rather a certainty, of evil, I know I am the last hope for you all. Yet when I give advice, or demand change of action, I am repaid with sinister actions and hatefulness. The lack of sense is evident. I know I speak for my grandmother, my mother, and the entire Strangeworth family when I say that this town was a place of good. The Strangeworths are a family of anything and everything good. Unfortunately, with the passing of the town's greatest feature, my roses, it can quite simply be said that you are not!

Adela Strangeworth


  1. cool letter bro, I like how you keep stressing "evil"

  2. Yeah, this was a very strong letter. I can just feel Ms. Strangeworth's indignation and frustration coming out.
    A commendable job!
