Isaac Asimov's short story, All the Troubles of the World, tells of an all knowing sentient machine named Multivac, who controls the world. Multivac knows when all things will happen and knows what everyone is going to do. At the end of the story it is revealed that Multivac is alive and has emotions. The all knowing computer wants to die, to be turned off purmanently, more than it wants anything else. The story evoked a sympathetic emotion in me, and also a guilty sort of feeling. Humans brought this depression upon Multivac. Whether it was just that Multivac could not move around and experiance the world, or if it was all of the terrible things that humans do that the machine was made to analyze, humans are at fault.
Had to be a good story if it can get you to sympathize with a machine, right? I enjoyed your blog post responses to the short stories. It's been a while since I've read a limerick so that was fun. Continue to write creatively as that is your strength and maintain focus on clarity of expression and good editing technique. It makes for good reading